'All Category'에 해당되는 글 75건
- 2008.10.12 recently 1
- 2008.09.17 passed 7
- 2008.09.09 fragmentation 1
- 2008.09.05 zeitgeist 1
- 2008.07.04 언제나 그렇듯
- 2008.06.23 신념은 총알로도 뚫을 수 없다. 1
- 2008.06.12 fail 1
- 2008.06.11 Announcement 1
- 2008.05.13 역사는 반복된다.
- 2008.05.02 명언. 4
불쌍한 내 하드.
Job Report
Computer: GREATROH
Volume: system (C:)
Findings and Recommendations
Diskeeper has completed analysis of this volume and found
4,076 fragmented files and/or directories and 11,894 excess
The average number of fragments per file is 1.08.
Moderate fragmentation detected on this volume. You should
turn on Automatic Defragmentation and allow it to run full
time for maximum performance.
Master File Table (MFT) usage is 98% or higher on this
volume. Use Frag Shield to automatically configure the MFT
on this volume to better match the current MFT usage.
The overall health of volume C: is degraded
The overall health is at "Warning" level for the following
1. The MFT usage is currently 99 percent of the total MFT
size, which indicates it is likely the MFT will become
2. The volume is heavily fragmented. The average number of
fragments per file is 1.08.
Access Time
Time to read fragmented files on volume C
Current read time: 78 seconds
Optimum read time: 37 seconds
51 % improvement
Time to read all files on volume C
Current read time: 17 minutes
Optimum read time: 17 minutes
3 % improvement
Volume Files
Volume size = 50,000 MB
Cluster size = 4 KB
Used space = 30,050 MB
Free space = 19,948 MB
Percent free space = 39 %
Fragmentation percentage
Volume fragmentation = 2 %
Data fragmentation = 3 %
Directory fragmentation
Total directories = 9,508
Fragmented directories = 58
Excess directory fragments = 253
File fragmentation
Total files = 134,041
Average file size = 241 KB
Total fragmented files = 4,018
Total excess fragments = 11,641
Average fragments per file = 1.08
Files with performance loss = 0
Paging file fragmentation
Paging/Swap file size = 1,537 MB
Total fragments = 1
Master File Table (MFT) fragmentation
Total MFT size = 140 MB
MFT records In Use = 143,766
Percent MFT in use = 99 %
Total MFT fragments = 1
Propellerheads - History Repeating (with Shirley Bassey)
1998, 'Decksandrumsandrockandroll'
The word is about, there's something evolving
Whatever may come, the world keeps revolving
They say the next big thing is here
That the revolution's near but to me it seems quite clear
That it's all just a little bit of history repeating
The newspapers shout a new style is growing
But it don't know if it's coming or going
There is fashion, there is fad
Some is good, some is bad and the joke is rather sad
That it's all just a little bit of history repeating
And I've seen it before
And I'll see it again
Yes I've seen it before
Just little bits of history repeating
Some people don't dance, if they don't know who's singing
Why ask your head, it's your hips that are swinging
Life's for us to enjoy woman, man, girl and boy
Feel the pain, feel the joy
Aside set the little bits of history repeating
Just little bits of history repeating
And I've seen it before
And I'll see it again
Yes I've seen it before
Just little bits of history repeating
노래를 부른 Shirley Bassey 면상공개
![사용자 삽입 이미지](https://t1.daumcdn.net/tistoryfile/fs8/1_13_25_13_blog148740_attach_0_0.jpg?original)